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Physical Education Department


The purpose of the Physical Education class is to educate our students from a physical, social and emotional point of view by using recreational and sports activities as a medium to foster a healthy lifestyle, based on Christian values and principles.


The class is divided into two levels, Pre-kinder to third grade, and fourth to sixth grade. In the Pre-Kinder to third grade level, they work with basic movement and skill patterns, implemented throughout activities and simple organized games in class. In the fourth to sixth grade level, they work with an introduction to sports, and cover all basic skills from of all sports and combine them with recreational games.


Two courts are used in these classes. The elementary school has a small court, which is used for students in the lower grades, plus a gym, where the higher level groups are accommodated.There are three Field Days according to levels: Pre-Kinder and Kindergarten use the gymnasium and first to sixth grade. Use the facilities at Parque Central de San Juan.


Volleyball and Basketball tournaments are held with teams from various schools participating. Five courts are used for these tournaments. APS participates in the LAMEPI (Athletic Mini-League of Private Schools). This league offers nine sports throughout the year and APS is one of the few institutions that participate in each one of the nine sports with teams of both sexes.


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