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Science Department


The science curriculum provides the following opportunities concerning modern communication technologies such as the use of Internet (research), different multimedia as animations, use of Power Point presentations and internet videos, not only by the students but also by the teachers. In the upper grades there has been an introduction to work with virtual laboratories offered by the different companies. APS has acquired calculators and CBL sensors for the different laboratories in the area of chemistry and physics. The use of laptop computers in the classroom has been approved. Students work collaboratively in different activities such as laboratories, oral reports, debates, research and preparing lectures to be presented by some groups, to the rest of the classroom. During labs, students not only work, but are also taught the importance of effort. They may work in groups solving problems during class sessions. Students work independently during different assessments, quizzes and tests. Most of the independent work is done when the student does scientific research and must work independently to obtain and analyze the data. Students compete in local, regional and even international Science Fairs. Every year they attend, during the month of April, the Science Bowl in other schools, to compete as a team representing the school.


AP courses in the areas of chemistry and now biology have been offered to the students during the last ten years. These courses give the opportunity to the student to be able to take a course at a university level. The students accept the responsibility to work during school hours and sometimes out of school hours in order to cover and understand the material which covers a whole year of the science taken. At the end of the school year, the students must take the AP test offered by the College Board from Princeton. If they obtain a grade of 3, 4 or 5, most colleges in the United States will accept the course as a first semester of chemistry or biology.


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