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College Counselor


College Advising at Academia del Perpetuo Socorro is viewed as a process that enables and empowers students to make decisions that are age-appropriate, with the support of faculty and parents. It focuses on the student as a unique individual with specific abilities, interests, learning style, family background, and goals in life. Students gain awareness of factors that influence college choice and professional goals in order to  find a good match with his or her personal style and goals in life while meeting affordability parameters for the family. The process starts early as students become informed of their grades. Through their Guidance Counselors, they explore their interests and discuss options about how to best develop their talents. They learn about career options through a variety of instruments, including interest inventories, career events, class discussions, extracurricular activities and clubs, and personal interviews, depending on student initiative and readiness to receive information.


Starting in ninth grade, College Advising becomes more structured and includes yearly parent conferences where deadlines and issues relevant to grade level are discussed. The process becomes more targeted when students enter their junior year. They research college options and create a list of colleges where their own interests, goals, academic record and working style match with the choices on their list. Clear deadlines are established and students apply to colleges of their choice during the first semester of their senior year. Support from the Guidance Team is crucial during the process, helping students clarify issues and meet deadlines. The whole process is focused on having the student learn to make informed decisions, setting worthy and reasonable goals and then working to achieve these goals. Parental communication and support is a key part of the process.

School Profile and Report to Colleges and Universities 2015-2016

Prepared by Iraida Alvarado, College Counselor

College Placement

100% of graduating class of 2015 - 2016 was admitted to 4-year institutions; some institutions admitting our students in the past five years are:

-American University
-Bentley University
-Boston College
-Boston University
-Brown University
-Bryant University
-Carnegie Mellon University
-Columbia University
-Cornell University
-Dartmouth University
-Duke University
-Fairfield University
-Florida Institute of Technology
-Florida International University
-Fordham University
-George Washington University
-Georgetown University
-Georgia Tech
-Harvard University
-Loyola (New Orleans)
-New York University
-Northeastern University
-Penn State University
-Princeton University
-Stanford University
-Syracuse University
-Tufts University
-University of Puerto Rico
-Universidad Interamericana
-Universidad del Sagrado Corazón
-Universidad Politécnica
-University of Chicago
-University of Dayton
-University of Florida
-University of Miami
-University of Michigan
-University of Notre Dame
-University of Pennsylvania
-Villanova University
-Xavier University
-Yale University
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